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Relieving Back Pain with a Bolster in Restorative Yoga

Relieving Back Pain with a Bolster in Restorative Yoga

Back pain, whether it’s occasional discomfort or chronic pain, can stem from injury or poor habits such as slouching over your desk or phone. A bolster can be incredibly helpful by gently elongating the spine, stretching and strengthening the back muscles, and promoting proper alignment. Using a bolster in a slow, restorative yoga practice is an excellent way to relieve both the physical pain and the mental tension that often accompanies back pain. By surrendering your body’s weight to the support of the bolster, healing and rejuvenation can take place. Hold each of the following poses for 5-10 minutes to fully recharge your body and mind.


1. Legs Up the Wall (Viparita Karani)


Place a rectangular bolster under your hips and lower back in this pose to relieve pressure from your hip flexors and create more space in your lower back, allowing you to enjoy the restorative benefits of the posture. Rest your heels against the wall and let your hips be fully supported by the bolster. This gentle stretch, aided by the height of the bolster, will help release tension and provide space in the lumbar spine.


2. Lumbar Support


Sit comfortably with your back against a wall, placing a small cylindrical bolster in the curve of your lumbar spine. Gently bring your shoulder blades together and press your head and upper back against the wall. This handy bolster can be used during your yoga practice to support an upright spine, or it can be utilized during the day, behind you while working at a desk or relaxing on the couch, to experience similar benefits of support and alignment.


3. Supported Child’s Pose (Balasana)


Place your bolster lengthwise between your knees on the mat. Relax your torso along the bolster and come into child’s pose. Let your head rest on one side, and halfway through, switch sides. Allow your forearms to rest on the mat, creating a grounded feeling on each side of the bolster. Let your hips drop gently towards your heels. If additional support is needed for the hips, place one or two folded blankets between the hips and heels. By placing the bolster under your torso to support your chest in child’s pose, you’ll create length in the lower back, making the pose more comfortable and supportive.


4. Heart Opener


Placing a pranayama bolster under your lower back opens up the front of the body and accentuates the natural curve in the lumbar spine. Let your shoulders and upper back relax fully onto the mat. Elevate the bolster high enough under your lower back so that your pelvis rests on the floor. This heart-opening pose stretches and expands the chest, allowing for deep breaths and a sense of emotional release.


5. Bolster Under the Knees in Savasana


Placing a cylindrical bolster under your knees in Savasana helps alleviate lower back pain. By lifting your knees while keeping them supported, your lower back remains flat on the floor, and the hamstrings are gently supported. Experiment with the positioning of the bolster—move it closer to your hamstrings or towards your calves for optimal comfort.


Final Thoughts:


Using a bolster in your restorative yoga practice helps bring both physical and emotional relief. It supports your body in a way that enhances alignment, comfort, and ease in each pose. These gentle adjustments can help relieve tension, stretch muscles, and bring balance to your practice. Whether you’re managing back pain or just seeking a deeper state of relaxation, incorporating a bolster into your routine can offer profound benefits.

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